Monday, December 28, 2009

Can you believe it???

Samuel & Wesley turned 1 year old on Christmas Eve! It's hard to believe it's been a year since that day they were born. And now they're eating solid food and getting ready to walk. How did it go by so quickly?

We had a small birthday party...we wish you could have all been there...but alas, our house is small and now under construction as well. Yes, we are finally getting ready to expand our kitchen. It will soon be the largest room in the house, which makes sense since I spend the majority of my time in there!
The Birthday Boys



What IS this stuff?

We've never eaten anything this color before.




Time for presents...

Dumptrucks & Horsies!

and handmade toy chests and blocks!

Thanks Grandpa Bob and Grandma Julia!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Last year at this time I was...

lying in a hospital room

ordering Christmas gifts online from my bed

praying for my babies to stay in past the New Year

decorating my tiny fake Christmas tree

watching Gilmore Girls and the Family Channel's 25 Days Till Christmas to pass the time

lamenting the fact that there would be no Christmas cards to send out that year

feeling very grateful for the wonderful care I was receiving from my doctors and nurses

EXTREMELY nervous about becoming a mother

This year I'm...

chasing my almost one year old boys around the house

finding cheerios in every nook and cranny

already printing and stuffing my Christmas cards (yeah!!!)

looking forward to Christmas parties with friends and family

having fun shopping for presents in the STORES (online too to tell the truth)

anticipating a REAL Christmas tree

DEFINITELY going back to the hospital with the boys to bring presents to the FABULOUS nurses who helped keep my little angels in during my 8 week stay

planning Samuel & Wesley's first birthday party


I hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas Season so far!