Last month we took a trip to St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands and for many reasons I won't get into, it was not what you'd shall I put this...a relaxing experience in paradise. But I am going to skip past all of that and focus on the positive aspects of our trip...
First of all, we were blessed to have the opportunity to see this beautiful place with our own eyes! Isn't it gorgeous?! It was like something out of a magazine!
We got to have sweet moments together as a family, uninterrupted by phones, constructions noises, or the worries of everyday life.
We spent time with good friends.
Some people thought they were triplets! Can you imagine?! I guess I can see why. Although Josh is six months younger, he's about the same size as our little guys.

We saw interesting wildlife.

We picked up some new skills, like pushing our own stroller,
driving (only 1 and already asking for the keys to the car!),

walking in the sand,

and even eating some!

We dined al fresco,

and flirted with all the waitresses (Wes and Sam did anyway).

Got to ride on Daddy's back in a backpack!

We experimented with hats,
and decided that while we look darned good in them,
we prefer to throw them on the ground.

Maybe someday we'll go back, when we're old enough to snorkel and can tolerate air travel better. Or maybe Mom and Dad will just go without us. Now that's an idea!!!