Monday, February 28, 2011

Beach Babes

This was a golden know, a moment in time that is so perfect you wish you could just wrap it up and keep it with you at all times and then pull it out and relive it whenever you wanted?  Some friends of ours just called us up one Saturday morning and asked us if we'd like to join them at Castaic Lake.  They were going to feed the ducks. 

It turned out to be such a beautiful day.  We weren't prepared for how warm it would be...

Nor were we prepared for the beautiful beach full of sand for the boys to play in...

so the long sleeved onsies and jeans were quickly shed.

We made some great memories sitting by the cool lapping water....

digging around in the sand...

and having a picnic lunch.

All in all, a perfect day.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Yahoo! We're 2!

I went a little nuts and decided to disregard the experts' guidelines for parties and children.  I guess according to them we should only have invited four friends for the boys' birthday party but how do you choose???  Anyway, they had a blast and I would totally do it all over again.  Only I might take more pictures next time.  

We had the party at a place in LA called Little Barn.  It was sooooo darn cute!  We were allowed 30 children and we did invite the max but, unfortunately, it's cold and flu season so there were several children who couldn't make it.  :(  I guess that's just how it's going to be if we decide to celebrate near the boys' actual birthday.

We decided to stick with the farm theme.  Love the little cupcake toppers I found on Etsy.

Glad I wasn't in the room when THIS was going on!!!

The ball pit was the favorite for all the kids (little and big).

Yup, that's my husband...and my sweet Sammy.

The little bounce house was a hit too.  Sam and Wes insisted on holding hands while they jumped around.  Soooo incredibly sweet...that is until they bonked heads and ended up wailing and refused to go back in.  Ah well!

All in all a great day!  I would definitely recommend this place for 2 year old birthday parties!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011


You see that adorable little guy on the left?  We had a little trip to the E.R. about 1 1/2 weeks ago after feeding him peanut butter.  Boy was that fun.  After taking him for allergy tests today we now know that Wesley is allergic to not only peanuts, but also almonds and even more so to cashews and pistachios.  Sigh!    I love cashews!  But I will not be eating them again anytime soon.

I just finished clearing our pantry of all products that either contain nuts or are processed in the same facility as nuts per his doctor's instructions.  Thus begins a series of lifestyle changes for the Harrison family.   You see, we are a family who loves to eat out.  We either eat out or order in on a very regular basis.  According to the doctor, it is no longer safe for Wesley to eat restaurant food due to the possibility of cross-contamination of foods.  Therefore, I need to start cooking at home more.  Travelling will prove more of a challenge as well.

Please pray for us!  This is both frightening and disappointing.  On the bright side, we can take him in for allergy tests again in 12 months and maybe his body will have forgotten that it hates nuts.  Who knows?  Stranger things have happened, right?