Well here's the family at church on Easter morning. Don't the boys look handsome in the Easter outfits their Nanna Carroll picked out for them?

Afternoon Easter egg hunt...

These lucky boys hauled in a total of 4 Easter baskets each!

The boys couldn't stay away from Grandma & Grandpa. They stuffed their eggs with sugary cereal. Ah hah!!!

So much for the sugar-free Easter. But we did manage to get some healthy snacks in too.

They really enjoyed getting whole strawberries instead of the little cut up pieces I usually give them.

Here's the look on Baby J's face...

when she got a look at this puss.
Good thing I got a great tip on how to get berry stains out of clothing. I'll get working on that just as soon as I finish my See's candy bordeaux the size of an ostrich egg.
What a face, all boy. So how do you get berry stains out?
You pour boiling hot water over the stain, but apparently you have to pour it from up high. I've tried it and it really works!
Good tip on the strawberry removal, no how about avocados and pasta sauce?
The boys looked very handsome on Easter :)
See's Bordeaux's and strawberries and cute boys... how can you go wrong!! :)
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