Monday, April 19, 2010

The SamWes Dictionary

Vocalization: Translation

kah keh: cracker

duh: duck

dah dah: dog

da dah: daddy

mama: mommy (awwww!)

nie nie: night night

noh: nose

nana: banana or Grandma Carroll (they love both)

bah bah: baby, bottle, belly, berry (lots of meanings here)

aaaa: cat

abidja bidja: I just feel like talkin (Sammy's language)

bah: ball

bubboh: bubble

uh oh: I dropped something on purpose and I want to see your reaction


Jen said...

Coming along nicely! They're doing well- I can't believe how many words they are saying :)

Joybird said...

I think my favorite is "uh oh". I need to come over so they can find the word for Auntie.