Saturday, May 29, 2010

Poor Sophie

Update on the phoebe family living on our front porch. Yesterday I came home and snuck a peek at the nest full of fuzzy baby birds only to notice that they were no longer moving. I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach but tried to tell myself that perhaps they were taking a much needed nap. After all, my little munchkins can sleep pretty deeply during their naptimes in the middle of the day. Still I couldn't shake the gnawing feeling that something was wrong.

Flashback to the day before, mommy and daddy bird were practically frantic the entire back and forth darting after bugs and high tailing it back to the nest. The babies were singing their sweet little hungry tweets in unison "Mommy! Daddy! We're hungry!" Awwww! Every time I heard the chorus of chirping as I walked down my hallway I would melt at the cuteness of it all. "And I thought feeding twins was exhausting! These parents have quads!" I thought to myself as I went about my daily routine. How sweet!

Later in the day yesterday as I peered through my living room window at the nest, still no movement. Worry, worry, worry...I'm good at that you know. A year and a half of being a momma and already I'm an expert. Finally, I see one little bird move! Hurray! Signs of life! Only still today when I peek at the nest (from a distance of course) I can spot only two baby birds moving...the other two remain in place, just as they were yesterday. I explained the sad news to my mom, an avid birdwatcher who happens to have volumes of information about all kinds of birds tucked away in her pretty little head, and she explained to me matter-of-factly that this is common in the bird world. Babies often don't make it. Aw shucks!

I'm sad to say that the parents' best efforts to feed the babies probably wasn't enough for the nest full of four birds. Was this Sophie's choice? Did they have to decide which babies ate and which went hungry to guarantee that some would survive? Or did the stronger of the babies just happen to make it through the lean times? I hope it was the latter. I can't shake that sad feeling that not all the little fuzzballs in that nest have made it and there's no promise the remaining ones will either. Gone are my visions of four fluffy little birds fluttering out of the nest to make it on their own! Ahhhh, nature is cold and cruel sometimes! For now I'm still sad for poor Sophie!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Spring Visitors

We've had some unexpected houseguests this spring. For some time, this little pair has laid claim to our front yard as their home...and finally, they decided to build a home of their own under the eaves on our front porch. They're phoebes and at the moment they are my favorite bird. They eat the bugs around our pool and front yard and they are soooo adorable! I mean, how stinkin cute is he?

Several weeks ago we spotted their splattered, muddy nest as we were walking out our front door and I thought "Oh I hope they have little eggs in there!" I got my wish and have been watching eagerly for signs of life ever since. We've been carefully avoiding our front door as much as possible recently because there are, indeed, baby birds in there now. Mom and Dad have no qualms about dive bombing you as you walk through the porch so we figured we'd give them their space. Today we were out in the front yard having an impromptu playdate with Josh so as long as we were disturbing the nervous parents anyway, I threw caution to the wind and snuck a picture of the little ones peeking out of their nest.

There are four babies in there!!! I don't know how they all fit, especially when the mommy comes and sits on them! The lighting for the photo was bad and I didn't dare get too close so I had to fix it up a bit...but isn't that the sweetest thing ever?! I soooo hope I get to be there when they fledge. I peek at them through my window constantly throughout the day to see what they're up to.

The boys, on the other hand, couldn't have cared less about what was going on in that nest.

Here's Sam chillin on the front bench.

Wesley chowing on his toy fish.

Sammy sharing his ball with Josh.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kitchen Update

The kitchen is beginning to take shape. Take a look!

We have cabinets!!!

Can you see the black granite counter top??? It's so purty!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Uncle Dan

It's appropriately gloomy and cold today. Today we said goodbye to a very dear friend who is leaving us to move to Washington. Stupid Washington. They better appreciate what they're getting!

Dan came to live with us right about this time 5 years ago. Yes, Jeff and I were newly married and YES it was a crazy thing to do. But Jeff and Dan had a business plan and as a new wife I was eager to encourage my husband to explore his dreams (still am). The business never panned out but God had other plans for Dan being here.

He was here through the tumultuous first year and a half of our marriage, lending a listening ear and helpful advice. He was here all through the agonizing lawsuit over our house that dragged on for years, supporting, helping, being an intermediary. He moved out of our home but stayed nearby...belonged to our church, came over on Tuesday nights for our game night, often joined us for dinner. He was here through the difficult pregnancy and birth of the twins. I still remember how ticked off I was trapped in a hospital room hoping to hold my twin babies in for several weeks more and finding out that Dan thought it would be funny to send an email to all of our family and friends announcing that I had given birth to triplets! (I have to admit that WAS kinda funny.) He has always been nearby...always been available...always quick to help, support, encourage, or just hang out. God used him in a lot of our lives down here.

Dan is best friend to my husband, uncle to my boys, like a brother to me. I know he will continue to be all of those things...just from much further away now.

So Dan, when you read this, know that you are very loved and will be sorely missed. We are praying that God's blessings will continually pour down on you...much like the rain in Seattle. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Monday, May 10, 2010

An Abbreviated Mother's Day

Our Mother's Day plans were cut short this year because the boys are feeling none too well...fevers, runny noses, yucky coughs...the works. We cancelled plans with my mom on Saturday and the weekend was spent just trying to keep the boys comfortable. I did, however, manage to slip away, thanks to my darling husband, and go to church on Sunday. I wanted to share the video they played. Samuel & Wesley make short appearances...