Dan came to live with us right about this time 5 years ago. Yes, Jeff and I were newly married and YES it was a crazy thing to do. But Jeff and Dan had a business plan and as a new wife I was eager to encourage my husband to explore his dreams (still am). The business never panned out but God had other plans for Dan being here.
He was here through the tumultuous first year and a half of our marriage, lending a listening ear and helpful advice. He was here all through the agonizing lawsuit over our house that dragged on for years, supporting, helping, being an intermediary. He moved out of our home but stayed nearby...belonged to our church, came over on Tuesday nights for our game night, often joined us for dinner. He was here through the difficult pregnancy and birth of the twins. I still remember how ticked off I was trapped in a hospital room hoping to hold my twin babies in for several weeks more and finding out that Dan thought it would be funny to send an email to all of our family and friends announcing that I had given birth to triplets! (I have to admit that WAS kinda funny.) He has always been nearby...always been available...always quick to help, support, encourage, or just hang out. God used him in a lot of our lives down here.
Dan is best friend to my husband, uncle to my boys, like a brother to me. I know he will continue to be all of those things...just from much further away now.
So Dan, when you read this, know that you are very loved and will be sorely missed. We are praying that God's blessings will continually pour down on you...much like the rain in Seattle. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Great tribute to a great guy...
Bob and Julia
Well shucks, that made me cry. We miss you already Dan and can't wait until you move back :) Mindy's right, you have been there for a lot of us- I often think of our shopping trip whenever Franz wears his leather jacket, thank you for helping me pick it out. And all the laughs and good times we've all shared, there are too many to count.
Great post Mindy. I told Dan the other day that "stupid Washington" is much closer to Montana. :)
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