Monday, May 10, 2010

An Abbreviated Mother's Day

Our Mother's Day plans were cut short this year because the boys are feeling none too well...fevers, runny noses, yucky coughs...the works. We cancelled plans with my mom on Saturday and the weekend was spent just trying to keep the boys comfortable. I did, however, manage to slip away, thanks to my darling husband, and go to church on Sunday. I wanted to share the video they played. Samuel & Wesley make short appearances...

1 comment:

Jen said...

So cute :) I hope the boys feel better soon and that you and Jeff don't catch it.

Just so you don't feel bad, I went to church by myself as well- but not because Avery was sick, instead it was Franz. But I did win the prize for having the youngest child- yes, it was a slow day at church, and I won by default because no one else was there!