Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wedding Weekend Extravaganza!

This last weekend there were two important weddings happening on the same day, so Jeff and I decided to divide and conquer.  Jeff went to Oregon to attend a wedding for a friend of the family and I went to my cousin Michael's wedding in Modesto.  I drove up with my parents and the boys for our very first real roadtrip experience.  We loaded up in our relatively new minivan (affectionately dubbed "the Mother Ship" by my nephew Jeremy) and headed out on Friday morningish.  Little did we know it would take a whopping 9 hours to drive to Modesto with two infants!  The boys hardly slept on the way and their bedtime shifted from their usual 7:30 to after 10:00 for the entire weekend.  Needless to say, it was an exhausting trip.  The wedding was beautiful though and it was well worth the work to see Michael get married.  We also got to take a side trip before coming home and visited my aunt and cousins in Half Moon Bay.  Here are some pics from our weekend...

Sammy & Uncle Billy

Mom, Jeremy & Dad

Nanna Carroll & Wesley

I honestly didn't plan for us to match!

Michael with his bride and Dori

Cousin Heather & Aunt Melissa

Lacey & Evan
(the wedding Jeff attended in Oregon)


Jen said...

I honestly don't know how you guys do it :) Still traveling even with two babies- I've got to give you kudos. You're way braver than I am!

Nikki said...

Love your mom's hat. You look really good too!

Nikki said...
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Jeff and Mindy said...

Thanks Nikki! I love my mom's hat too. I wish I were a hat person!