Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I...I...I, uh...

Christmas colds NO KITCHEN vacation disaster vomit/diarrhea
separation anxiety anti-nap stomach flu
picky picky picky
spitting food pulling food out of the mouth throwing food
trapped by rain can't think seven red, huh? Moms out there...HOW?!


Nikki said...

Ha! That's funny...not to you, sorry. Sounds like you need a Mom's Night Out. We've been waiting for you to return from vacation (hint hint)

Linda Z said...

Wow, that's some really unique poetry there! Is is existential?

Hang in there! ;) Being a mom is a hard job!! :)

Jen said...

Yep, we've got some of the same things going on over here- you're not alone :) I think it's just magnified in your case 2x!